Super Monday Week 27 SY25


A motivational and informational morning message from Superintendent Willis

Week 27 ~ February 24th, 2025

Super Monday Message

Whether you have realized it yet or not, you have important work to do here on earth. There is life saving, game changing, future alternating work that only you can do. The world is counting on you to make a positive difference. If you haven’t caught the vision yet for how you’ll make this world better, I’ll tell you a story of someone who caught that vision very early in life.

I have always enjoyed stories of Sir Winston Churchill and stories of his childhood are nearly as interesting as his later life. When Winston Churchill was 17 years old he made a prophecy about his life to his school headmaster. He made the prophecy with such conviction that the headmaster wrote the conversation down and kept it. 

It was a Sunday evening in 1891 at Harrow, a school for boys, in London. Several boys were in the basement of the headmaster’s house and Winston Churchill was engaged in a one-on-one conversation with the headmaster. The Headmaster, Sir Murland Evans, asked the young Winston, “Will you go into the army?”. 

Winston answered with, “I don’t know, it is probable, but I shall have great adventures beginning soon after I leave here.” Sir Murland knew Winston’s father was a wealthy nobleman and politician. 

So he asked his next question, “Are you going into politics? following your famous father?” 

Winston responded, “I don’t know, but it is more than likely because, you see, I am not afraid to speak in public.” 

The headmaster must have thought Winston was being vague and he wanted more specific answers, he then stated, “You do not seem at all clear about your intentions or desires.”

Winston was not ashamed and said, “That may be, but I have a wonderful idea of where I shall be eventually. I have dreams about it.” The headmaster pressed, “Where is that?” This is where the story gets interesting. Winston gave details of his dreams by saying, 

“Well, I can see vast changes coming over a now peaceful world; great upheavals, terrible struggles; wars such as one cannot imagine; and I tell you London will be in danger—London will be attacked and I shall be very prominent in the defence of London.” 

The headmaster must have been surprised by this and dug deeper by saying, “How can you talk like that? We are forever safe from invasion, since the days of Napoleon.”

Winston’s self confidence is well demonstrated in his next response, “I see further ahead than you do. I see into the future. This country will be subjected somehow, to a tremendous invasion, by what means I do not know, but I tell you I shall be in command of the defences of London and I shall save London and England from disaster.”

Sir Murland countered with, “Will you be a general then, in command of the troops?”

And here the 17 year old Winston Churchill delivered his immortal words, “I don’t know; dreams of the future are blurred but the main objective is clear. I repeat—London will be in danger and in the high position I shall occupy, it will fall to me to save the Capital and save the Empire.”

Winston Churchill did indeed save London and the British Empire in World War II. Your “main objective” may not be as clear to you as it was to England’s most famous Prime Minister as a boy, but you do have a purpose, you are needed, you are essential. All of our students have unlimited potential and will play important roles in the days ahead. We are grateful for the great parents and teachers that are preparing the leaders of tomorrow. Have the best Week 27!

Super High Fives

Just a couple of the awesome recent accomplishments that need a big thank you. 

  • A super high five to Mr. Jessen and all that participated in the Rural Career Fair. It’s always a great opportunity for our students and we appreciate Mr. Jessen for helping organize it.
  • A super high five to our winter sports Academic All-State award winners. Tavin Jessen was Academic All-State for basketball, Trevor Pearson for wrestling, and Miriam Thomas for competitive cheer. They represent Piute High School well in their sport and in the classroom.

Other Super Information

Super Weekly Schedule

Feb. 24th
Feb. 25th
Feb. 26th
Feb. 27th
Feb. 28th
Mar. 1st
PHS Day "A" Day “B” Day "A" Day “B” Day No School No School
PHS     State Basketball @ SVC State Basketball @ SVC  State Basketball @ SVC  State Basketball @ SVC 




 Character Development

OES      Good Dog Ticket Lunch

 Spirit Thursday


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