5048 - Home Instruction Requirement
Amended August 2003
The board of education encourages parents to take advantage of the resources provided to them by the state in the form of public school. The law requires the parent of a home school child to guarantee their child will be taught all subjects required by law, for the same amount of time as the child would be in the public schools. (UTAH CODE 53A11-101)
1. Parents who choose to exercise this option must inform the Board of Education each year. Certificates for home school will be provided to the parent/guardian upon notification to the school district.
2. In order to meet state requirements, parents must accept responsibility to assure that:
A. All required subjects are taught in home schools.
B. Appropriate hours of instruction are met for grades 1-12.
3. Rules and regulations governing home schools.
A. Utah State Board of Education prescribed branches of learning are as follows:
1. Elementary Schools - language arts, mathematics, science, arts, social studies, healthy lifestyles, and information technology.
2. Middle Schools - language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, information technology, healthy lifestyles, vocational education and one elective.
3. High Schools - language arts (3 units), social studies (3 units), mathematics (2 units), science (2 units), healthy lifestyles (2 units), arts (1.5), computer studies (5) vocational education (1 unit) electives (9 units).
B. Home schools must be held at least 180 days each year. Time requirements are as follow: four and one-half hours per day or 22.5 hours per week for grade one, and five and one-half hours per day or 27.5 hours per week for grades two through twelve.
C. The district may, but is not required, to supply texts and materials to students in home schools.
D. Unless involved in the regular public school curriculum the student will not participate in extracurricular activities unless their classroom is accredited through one of the regional accreditation centers and they are an equivalent full time student.
E. The district will not issue a regular high school diploma or allow participation in graduation exercises for children educated at home.
F. If a student moves from home school to the public school system, grade placement and credit status will be determined by the superintendent or his designee following examination of relevant evidence.