5053 - Student Acceptable Use Agreement


For Piute County School District


Electronic information resources are available to qualifying students in the Piute County School District. These resources include access to the school Local Area Network, Piute County Wide Area Network, and Internet services. Our goal in providing electronic services to students is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication.


Internet access is coordinated through a complex association of government agencies as well as regional and state networks. With access to computers and people all over the world comes the availability of materials that may be considered to be inappropriate, unacceptable or possibly illegal or of no educational value in the context of the school setting. The Piute County School District has initiated reasonable safeguards to restrict access to inappropriate materials.
The Piute County School District Internet System is being filtered. Students who abuse acceptable use or who access or attempt to access inappropriate or illegal Internet sites will be identified through a filtering and monitoring system and will be subject to discipline, including loss of account use and the possibility of suspension or expulsion from school.
The smooth operation and use of the network relies upon the proper conduct of the students who must adhere to strict guidelines, rules and regulations. Acceptable use agreements are designed so that students are aware of the responsibilities they take upon themselves. In general, their responsibilities necessitate acceptable, ethical, and appropriate utilization of the electronic network resources.

Terms and Conditions of this Acceptable Use Agreement:

Each student applying for an account will participate in a discussion with his or her sponsoring teacher regarding proper behavior and use of the network. The student signature at the end of this Acceptable Use Agreement is legally binding. The combined signatures also indicate the student and parent/guardian have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of appropriate use and thereby agree to abide.

1. Acceptable Use:

Acceptable use means that a student uses the Internet and other electronic information resources in an appropriate manner, abiding by the rules and regulations as described in this agreement.

2. Privileges:

The use of electronic information resources is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use of these resources may result in disciplinary action (including the possibility of suspension or expulsion), and/or referral to legal authorities. The principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator may limit, suspend or revoke the use of the LAN, WAN and/or Internet access.

3. Network Etiquette:

Each student is expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of user etiquette. These rules include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Be polite. Never send or encourage others to send abusive messages. Use appropriate language. You may be alone on a computer, but what you write, send or receive can be viewed globally! Remember that you are a representative of your school and the Piute County School District on a non-private system.
b. Use electronic mail appropriately, no sales, advertisements or solicitations, etc. E-mail is not guaranteed to be private. Everyone on the system has potential access to mail. Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities or inappropriate activities, as pertaining to this Acceptable Use Policy, must be reported to the principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator.

4. Unacceptable Network Use: -

Transmission or receipt of any inappropriate material or material in violation of law or district policy is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material; threatening or obscene material; material protected by trade secrets; commercial activities by for-profit institutions; use of product advertisement or political lobbying; the design or detailed information pertaining to explosive devices, criminal activities or terrorist acts; sexism or sexual harassment; pornography; gambling; illegal solicitation; racism; and inappropriate language. Illegal or inappropriate activities, including downloading music or games and the use of Chat rooms, use of the network in any way that would disrupt network use by others, or activities of any kind that do not conform to the rules, regulations and policies of the Piute County School District, are forbidden.

5. Vandalism:

Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy property of the user, another user or of any other agencies or networks that are connected to the Network or the Internet system. Vandalism also includes, but is not limited to: abusive overloading of data on the server, or the uploading, downloading or creation of computer viruses. Any engagement in network vandalism constitutes unacceptable use and will subject the student to appropriate disciplinary action.

6. Security:

Security on any computer system is a high priority because of multiple users.    In order to access the Internet, a student must sign an acceptable use policy and use his/her username and password to access non-k12 approved sites. Your username and password identify you when accessing any sites therefore it is vital that you do not share your username and password with anyone. If you suspect another person has access to your account, you must immediately notify the principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator.

7. Updating:

If any information on your student account changes, e.g., phone number, location or address, it is your responsibility to notify the principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator.

8. Service Disclaimer:

The Piute County School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. Piute County School District will not be responsible for any damages you suffer while on this system. These damages may include, but are not limited to: loss of data as a result of delays, non- deliveries, mis­deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the system or your errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the information system is at your own risk. Piute County School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy of information obtained through electronic information resources.

Student Signature of Agreement:

Rules of conduct are described in this "Student Acceptable Use Agreement for Piute County School District" and apply when the electronic information system is in use. I understand any violations of the above provisions will result in the loss of my user account and may result in further disciplinary and/or legal action, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion, or referral to legal authorities.

Misuse or violation of this agreement comes in many forms, but can be viewed as any messages, information or graphics sent or received that include/suggest pornography, unethical or illegal solicitation, racism, sexism; inappropriate, language, and/or other listings previously described in this user agreement. I agree to report any misuse of the electronic information resources to my principal, teacher/supervisor or systems administrator.

I have read this Acceptable Use Agreement and understand that Internet sites are filtered by the UEN and that Internet use on my district computer is being monitored. I hereby agree to comply with the above described conditions of acceptable use.

Student Name (please print):______________________________________________________

Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ___________________

As the parent or guardian of the above named student, I have read this Acceptable Use Agreement and understand that Internet sites are filtered by the UEN and that district computer Internet use is monitored. I understand my child may be disciplined for inappropriate or unacceptable use of electronic information resources. I further understand that student use of the electronic information resource system is designed for educational purposes. I understand that it is impossible for Piute County School District to filter or restrict access to all inappropriate materials. I will not hold the Piute County School District responsible for inappropriate or unacceptable materials my child may acquire on the network system.

I hereby give my permission and approve the issuance of an electronic account for my child.

Parent or Guardian Name (please print)______________________________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature ______________________________________Date:___________


As the sponsoring teacher of the above named student, I have read this Acceptable Use Agreement and understand that Internet sites are filtered by the UEN and that district computer Internet use is monitored. I understand that student use of the electronic information resource system is designed for educational purposes. I understand the possibility of student discipline for inappropriate or unacceptable use.
I hereby agree to instruct the student on the various issues of acceptable use as outlined in this agreement. I also agree to report any misuse of electronic information resources to my principal/supervisor or systems administrator.

Teacher Name (please print)__________________________________________________School:____________________________________


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500 North Main - P.O. Box 69
Junction, Utah 84740-0069
Phone: (435)-577-2912 - Fax: (435)-577-2561
© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.