2070 - Hiring and Interveiwing Policy

#2070 - Hiring & Interviewing

It is the policy of Piute County School District to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all candidates in the interviewing and hiring process and to observe all applicable state and federal laws related to hiring, including but not limited to laws governing nepotism, conflicts of interest, and discrimination. Under the direction of the Board of Education, the Superintendent will work with directors and building administrators to select a hiring committee that will carry out this policy.

Hiring Committees:

  1. A hiring committee may be used in all new hires.
  2. The hiring committee may conduct interviews with interested applicants.
  3. The superintendent or his/her designee will organize and lead hiring committees.
  4. One or two board members may serve on hiring committees. For the positions of superintendent or building principal, all board members may serve on the hiring committee. Principals and directors may serve on hiring committees for positions opening in their buildings or content areas.

Pre-Interview Selection Committee:

  1. An pre-interview selection committee may be used where there are numerous applicants for any one position in order to narrow the selection.
  2. The superintendent or designee will select the pre-interview selection committee. 
  3. The pre-interview selection committee will make recommendations from the pool of applicants to the hiring committee for applicants to be interviewed.
  4. The pre-interview selection committee and the hiring committee may have the same members.

The Hiring Process:

  1. Rubrics may be used and scored to assess and identify the most qualified candidates for positions. Hiring committees may request and review resumes, experience, and other vital information prior to the interview. 
  2. The hiring committee will select a candidate and offer the selected candidate the position. The committee will inform the board of the result of the offer. The designated supervisor of the selected applicant will seek to obtain a discipline record from the most immediate prior employer of an individual before hiring.
  3. If the board determines there are procedural errors in the hiring process or that the hiring committee did not comply with the district’s policy against discrimination, the Board may veto the hiring committee selection.
  4. If the board vetoes the hiring committee’s selection, the hiring process will be repeated from where the non-compliance started. The board may also choose to reorganize the committee or restart the hiring process.
  5. Employment offers may be revoked if applicant materials or statements of qualifications are found to be falsified.
  6. Employees participating in the hiring process are expected to demonstrate professionalism.

Revised June 25, 2024

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© 2020 Piute County School District
Piute School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs. Please contact your school principal for further information.